
Your privacy is very important to us!  We understand that discussing possible paranormal activity in one’s home or business can be uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing.  We are very sensitive to this and we will do everything in our power to protect your privacy.

  • Our investigation of your property will be discreet.
  • Our vehicles and investigators will not have any paranormal logos.
  • We will not contact your neighbors or previous owners of your property without your consent.  Sometimes information provided by those individuals can be helpful, but we will not do so without your express consent.
  • We will never share your name or address with other paranormal groups.
  • No identifying information about your case will be released without your consent.  We may sometimes put evidence on our webpage, such as EVPs, but we assure you that there will no identifying information in such a post.
  • You will not receive any solicitation from us or e-mails that do not pertain to your case.  Though we would love for you to spread the word to your family and friends about what an awesome group we are!